Series of Thankfulness: Family and Friends
4:05 PMStarting with the family, I've been spoiled with love since birth. As the baby child, my big brudder (yay Peej!) and my parents have let me know how much I am loved. That I am special. That I am a child of the King. I'm so very grateful for them and all the marvelous ways that they love me unconditionally.
Next, I have to acknowledge my besties! I have been fortunate to have a wonderful group of best friends for many years! Gavin, Ashley, and Alana, I love you guys SO much! Sooo much. Even your families have embraced me as a daughter/sister. I am so grateful for it! I couldn't imagine my life without you!
Also, my NEW in-law, my sister Felicia, better known as FE FE! Love her soooo much as well :)
So, as I was writing this post, I was trying to name ALL my other close friends and it became inSANE. So, instead, I'm going to name groups. And even if I don't, if you've made a difference in my life, you know who you are. And for sure, you must know that I love you and hold you in a special place in my heart :)
New Life Church - life group & greeter team :)
AGS - students & co-workers (toniiiight, we are young!)
Mosaic Templars - you have a dear place in my heart, my friends!
UCA - So many close friends, great memories, successes and not-so-successes. I treasure it all and the friensdhips made along the way :)
North Little Rock High School - So many teachers and friends made a difference for me in high school. My experience there prepared me for so much. I love you all so much!
Thanks so much to all of my freakin' AWESOME family and friends! You guys all rock, seriously! I am who I am today because of you!