Series of Thankfulness: UCA

UCA provided me with an outstanding undergraduate career. I was involved with many things, the most memorable being French, the Conway Animal Shelter (puppies! ♥), S.U.A.A.W., NAACP, and Phi Alpha Theta. Those groups were so meaningful to me.

Most importantly, however, I have to acknowledge my academic department, the History Department. It was just so amazing to have a group of people who believe in your ability to succeed as a student. And not only believe, but come to expect the best from you. And to deliver that to them on every test and every paper and every discussion was my goal. In the end, I came out with a group of professors I am particularly close to, but, in addition to them, an entire department, professors that I never had or whom I didn't get the opportunity to get as close to but whom I admire, appreciate, and respect just the same, that believe in me. I left knowing that I have an entire department that I can go back to for advice and encouragement in my academic career. They gave me such a high honor upon graduating, as the Outstanding History Student of the Year. Amazing. AMAZING. I am so grateful for my experience there and would not trade it for anything! I'm looking forward to sharing my future with them. I hope to make you all proud! ♥

Series of Thankfulness: Family and Friends

I think I must be the most blessed girl on the planet. For, while I may not have lots of material things, I am spoiled with love. Always have been.

Starting with the family, I've been spoiled with love since birth. As the baby child, my big brudder (yay Peej!) and my parents have let me know how much I am loved. That I am special. That I am a child of the King. I'm so very grateful for them and all the marvelous ways that they love me unconditionally.

Next, I have to acknowledge my besties! I have been fortunate to have a wonderful group of best friends for many years! Gavin, Ashley, and Alana, I love you guys SO much! Sooo much. Even your families have embraced me as a daughter/sister. I am so grateful for it! I couldn't imagine my life without you!

Also, my NEW in-law, my sister Felicia, better known as FE FE! Love her soooo much as well :)

So, as I was writing this post, I was trying to name ALL my other close friends and it became inSANE. So, instead, I'm going to name groups. And even if I don't, if you've made a difference in my life, you know who you are. And for sure, you must know that I love you and hold you in a special place in my heart :)
New Life Church - life group & greeter team :)
AGS - students & co-workers (toniiiight, we are young!)
Mosaic Templars - you have a dear place in my heart, my friends!
UCA - So many close friends, great memories, successes and not-so-successes. I treasure it all and the friensdhips made along the way :)
North Little Rock High School -  So many teachers and friends made a difference for me in high school. My experience there prepared me for so much. I love you all so much!

Thanks so much to all of my freakin' AWESOME family and friends! You guys all rock, seriously! I am who I am today because of you!

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